Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Simplicity and Stress Reduction - Gaining Momentum

This week I have made some major decisions about my living situation and the path to next spring, when I expect to manage an income stream from bodywork.

Decision 1:  Get the master suite ready, in anticipation of the need to house-share.

Decision 2:  Rip up the carpets and stain the concrete - which should be complete by mid-July.

Decision 3:  Divest myself of the Ethan Allen furniture circa 1984 from a marriage that has been over for more than 22 years...

In anticipation of the major mess next week during the flooring re-do, and the need to empty rooms of furniture, books, and life's ephemera, I felt a major weight lift when I said to myself: "What if I DIDN'T need to hire someone to help me put all the heavy stuff back?  Why don't I just let it all go?"  Whoa.

Stuff.  It's just stuff.  (which Jay reminded me, last night)  I am moving forward to the next chapter, now, and I actually can't wait to have some breathing room for FOCUS.  I do crave the simplicity, and in the meantime, it is also what I HAVE to do.  (I accept that I need help financially, and that I must share my space with another.)

Goodbye stuff; you've been great to look at - and now I don't need you anymore.  Go forth and bring satisfaction to another!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Persistence: Massage School, and Anne's Piecework

During a break from school this week, I spent a few days with my good friend Anne Parker in Kerrville.  As I drove home to Austin across the parched Hill Country, I thought about the parallels between machine piecing and hitting the books again in "later life".    Anne is a perfect example of tenacity in piecing, as well as an artist with an exquisite eye for color gradations - as you can see by these photos of two of her quilts' currently on view at the Kerrville Art and Cultural Center through the end of July.  It's a joy to have good friends who are also addicted to this passion for creating work at the sewing machine.  What does it take to create successful large compositions with the building blocks of such tiny pieces? I say it's persistence, and lots of repetition; practice.

Same thing with school.  I never thought I'd be going back to school at this ripe "old" age, but persistence will get me through.  And I must say, us Aries women have really gotten this persistence thing down. So anyway, seeing Anne's work this weekend reminded me that we're lucky to have this community of persistent seekers - whether it's women artists, or fellow students at massage school.