Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Process. Process. Finally.

November through February was rather a fog.  A downer.  Big one.  

Kindled a book, "How Crochet Saved my Life"  by Kathryn Vercillo -- and, interestingly, what was happening to me, as I was coming back up from the depths of this big BIG depression episode, was exactly what the author was talking about.  I found a daily focus, small goals, new friends.  Made stuff.  Lots of stuff.  Obsessive crochet and etc.  Got back to myself.  Big sigh of relief.   A new community.  Fabulous.  OK, now back to work(!)...

This week, when the studio muse finally arose from the depths,  I have been inspired by recent playtime events with our SAQA group (Setacolor painting with Vou) and the myriad of colors and texture of alpaca yarn that my friend Jennifer spins with her portable wheel.

So the process begins:

 Fast painting with sponges, Setacolors; a gorgeous day with SAQA friends in Seguin, Texas

Musing about handspun alpaca yarn scraps from a friend...

Beginning to stitch (and couch some of the yarn)

Detail of stitching - before washing and shrinking  (then the real fun will begin!)